Jan 8, 2011

Whats wrong with me?

ugh why do i do this to myself? I know he wants me.. he has told me day after day for the last 2 yrs and yet i never allow myself to get close to him. He excites me and scares me. Always has. I dont know if it is his forwardness or the fact that i knnow hes kinda a man whore. I know that if i am with him i will let him take over.. i will lose my boundaries and i cant let myself do that. Ugh whats wrong with me.


CalypsoCutress said...

I also get nervous around men that have really forceful advances, or is very forward about his wants and needs in regards to a relationship. My ex boyfriend was like that and I nearly had a heart attack in fear.:/

Samantha said...

Exactly! my heart goes crazy and i constantly want to throw up!