Sep 20, 2010

its been.

It has been 148days sinse I last cut and to tell you the truth I have thought about cutting almost every day. I have even picked up the razor a few times and held it there but did nothing. I'm not saying I didn't want to, it's just that I knew I wouldn't want to clean up everything. I would let it blee an rub it away instead of clean it. I have been getting lazy about alot of it. Like the other day I got cut at work, I just kept rubbing the blood until it decided to stop bleeding. By then, not only was my hand covered in dry blood but so was that part of my leg. I stared at it a bit before even thinking of washing it off. I know it's gross and weird, but I kinda like it.


A Wanderer's Mind said...

That is so AWESOME that its been 148 days. As an ex-cutter, I still find after years or months of not cutting that something will trigger what I call "a want to thought". I am very proud of you for resisting. Keep up the great job!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good point, though sometimes it's hard to arrive to definite conclusions

Anonymous said...

Hi there

Just wanted to show my appreciation for your time and hard work