Feb 11, 2009

Its late

Its late. I'm not tired, and all I really want to do is cry. For no reason either. I randomly have the un-wielding urge to ball my eyes out. I talked to Chris today and he pissed me off. We faught the dumbest stuff too. He has told me that he has thursday and friday off so we should go walking one of those days. But today when I asked him which day he told me he didn't think he knew when we could because his friends made plans for him. And that if he got back early enough from what he will be doing he might want to walk. So as it stands, as much as it pains me to know it, we probably won't go on our walk he has promised me. just like always he chooses his friends over me. I don't understand him, he says he wants to spend time with me but never follows through, and the day I flake he is a total jerk. I hate how much I like him.

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