Jul 11, 2013


Well my vacation didn't start how I wanted it to. First off I started coughing on the 4th and by the 5th I had a swollen throat and fever of 101.8 and went into urgent care to find out I had pneumonia and tonsillitis which turned into pneumonia and strep throat. Ugh not fun. Here it is Thursday and even with being on meds almost a week I still have some strep left in my throat.  On top of that yesterday was day one of vacation and I had to go to the dr because my breast have been inflamed for almost a week due to trauma. So I went to the dr and yep infected so now I have an ointment for that along with my other sickness it's a good week to be on vacation. Except for the fact that I'm not home. I'm staying with a friend who is in town for a few days then heading to B's for a few days before he takes me home.  He's just not allowed to touch the girls for a while. 

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