Dec 31, 2009

Hey bloggers I was just sitting here waiting for the new year reading my list of resolutions for 09 and not a lot of them happend. A few did but not a lot. And I was thinking that instead of a resolution list I would creat a list of things I want for myself in 2010. So here's a few I came up with

1. Blog more
2. Date
3. Stop cutting
4. Kiss someone
5. Do more painting
6. Study the scriptures more
7. Pray more
8. Stop swearing
9. Just stop what you are doing!
10. Be a better person
11. Find someone who makes you happy

Hopefully this year I will be able to cross a few off.

1 comment:

Scarlet said...

they sound good hun,
my New Years resolution is to drink more water - I've got a few other things in mind, but I always get upset if I dont keep/achieve the resolutions so going for an easy, but still beneficial one this year lol