Jul 17, 2009

It has been 58 days since I last cut. Yay me!


beautyinmybreakdown said...

aww i'm so proud of you!
well done and keep it up xx

Unknown said...

That's amazing. Wonderful to hear.

Mariah said...


Camille said...

Congratulations!! That is such a huge accomplishment, and I'm glad your'e doing so well. Keep it up and I hope you are able to continue to resist. You're doing great =] take care.

Sincerely Me

Anonymous said...

That is massive progress!
I am so glad for you :)
You can beat it, trust me. 60 days was when I decided that if I'd gone that far, nothing was going to stop me from continuing cut-free.

NadiaTheDepressed said...

wow, I can't seem to make it past 20 days. :(
But way to go, cheers to you!