Apr 28, 2008

Again I go

I cut today, haven't done it in months. oh well, it needed to be done

Apr 25, 2008

Days of pain

It has been exactly one week since I broke my tailbone, and it still hurts. Sitting hurts, sleeping hurts, and I am always tired, so I never want to do anything. Nothing ever made it feel better, and it has been driving me crazy.

Apr 19, 2008

It just hurts

Well yesterday while babysitting, i fell down a flight me stairs on my butt. It hurt so bad, i just knew it was broken. So today i went online and read a few sites about broken tailbones. And from what it said, i know that i had broken mine. It also said that it takes at least 6 weeks to heal. That is gonna suck :p its freakin painful, when it happened, i didn't know whether to cry or scream. So i laughed hysterically. Still when it hurts the only thing i can do is laugh. It hurts to move, shift, sit, stand, laydown. Yay for my first broken bone, too bad it had to be my butt.