Blue eyes. pale skin. Body of scars. sometimes blond hair. Heart patient. Manic Depressive. Struggling with life one day at a time.. This is my journey, pleasant or not here I am.
Sep 22, 2017
Life with B
Jul 31, 2017
My Darkness
Jul 25, 2017
Today marks the one month mark till my last day at work. I will be transferring to a different building closer to where I will be living. I have my last day set as Aug 25th. It is the last day of summer camp. Mainly because I refuse to work on a set up day for a school year I won't be here for.
So B and I are moving in together. Originally we said middle of August then end of August. But we found out his leave actually isn't up until the end of September so now the plan is middle of September... Move in days where he is are the 10th of the month. That means we will be moving the week of my birthday.. ugh. I have started going though my things slowly getting rid of things.
My other concern is that I still don't drive. Or have a car for the time that I do get my license.. one of mom's friends said she was considering selling her car but we haven't heard anything since.
I am slowly noticing my stress level rising. I have been having nightmares, been more emotional, and have just basically been exhausted all the time. Mom was asking if I was freaking out and honestly I know it's coming but I'm definitely not in a full panic yet. This will be my first time moving. And I am moving away from my family. It's a big move. Last weekend I switched over to B's phone plan. So that's one step closer to making the movie official. OH! And the roommates still don't know he is moving out!?! He isn't even planning on letting them know until we sign the papers.