Jan 30, 2012

Went on my first official date with chris last night,we went to a movie it was fun. the night even ended with a kiss on the cheek..

Jan 24, 2012

21 days till another depressing holiday.. can't wait

Jan 22, 2012

i slept with my best friend yesterday for the first time and even after seeing all of my scars and recent cuts he still continued to call me beautiful. I can tell you that at that moment i had never been more happy or felt more beautiful..

Jan 19, 2012

Ice storms

The ice storms and freezing rain have moved in and now it seems the world have stopped due to the fact that its in a thick layer of ice. Then ontop of that the power keeps going out. What am I supposed to do today if I can't see or use my computer?

Jan 17, 2012

Snowed in in Seattle

The snow it still falling and we already have 6inches with more on the way. Work was canceled today due to road issues. Just hope it's closed tomorrow too lol. Snow days are fun

Jan 3, 2012

Got in a fight with chris tonight.. not sure why he was mad in the first place but he hurt m feelings and I couldn't help myself I started yelling back at him.

Jan 1, 2012

New Years

Spend New Years with my cousin and her friend. Not alot happened we kept it kinda low key with Watching movies and playing video games. Then after the fireworks we went to ihop for early breakfast. While doing movies and video games we dyed her friends hair. I rockstared it with bleach on the bottom and purplish black on the top. It didn't turn out too bad. Didn't talk to any of the guys last night tho lol surprisingly. No one really lol.
All n all it was a good but kinda lame new years. Hope we do something fun next time