Blue eyes. pale skin. Body of scars. sometimes blond hair. Heart patient. Manic Depressive. Struggling with life one day at a time.. This is my journey, pleasant or not here I am.
Oct 5, 2011
well im through
Oct 3, 2011
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease
So we have our second case of hand foot and mouth disease at work. The first kid came up with it about 2 weeks ago and their dumbass dr gave them a note to be able to be at school while contageous. Then I got a call from another mom today saying her kid got it and that she was told to tell the school so we could warn people and that her kid won't be back till the blisters are gone. She asked if anyone else got it and I told her about the first kid. Today when parents come I will warn them no matter what. With the first case my boss told us we weren't allowd to say anything about it but we all looked it up and it says legally we have to. So today I will. Its a super contagepus disease and peopl need to know about it.
So I talked to my boss about it when she came back from her lunch and told her what the mother had said. She then said she wanted me to warn the parents. Tell them what to look for just incase, but to keep up with bleaching everything I can.