Feb 28, 2008


Hey Readers, March First is coming up quick, and you may or maynot know this, but March 1st Is Self-Injury Awarness Day, and As a SI person, I am gonna post the web site for those with questions. www.lifesigns.org.uk/siad/

Feb 20, 2008

Terriyaki Town

Dinner with amber the kids, ash and laura for eli's birthday party dinner

Happy birthday weeze

Eli before her big Birthday Party! Yay for being 1 year old!

Feb 18, 2008

Nintendo ds

Ashley's frustration while playing mario on the ds was hilarious. After hours of playing time she finally made it to world 2. Lol owned

Worry and pain

Sometimes i worry too much about the things that could happen instead of the things that are likely to happen. Like getting close to someone just scares me because of the fact that i could get hurt but dont trust myself enough, or other people enough to actually get hurt in the first place. Thats what bothers the people around me. I cant open my heart enough to let someone in. I need to find a way out of this problem

Feb 2, 2008

Tattoo design

I drew this flower on my friends back just for fun

Feb 1, 2008

I cut for the first time in months